Beauty and the Least

A Truly Worthwhile Effort
This is certainly a low budget production, and some of the acting, primarily by some of the secondary characters, is amateur. And, probably the worst thing about the movie is that it starts out slowly - verrrrrrrry slowwwwwwly. In fact, if someone with a busy schedule starts watching this, it is likely that they will give up watching it within the first 20 minutes. It just doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Still, with all of the things working against it, this turns out to be a delightful movie about good people doing the right things for the right reasons. If you stay with it, you will find yourself really caring about the main characters, and even some of the secondary characters.
So, it's not the best movie ever made, but those involved in it (both on-screen and off-screen) really put their hearts into it and made this movie for all the right reasons. By the end, you just feel really good, and that's reason enough to watch a movie.

Great Movie!!
It was a great suspense, comedy and love story!! I've watched it a few times and it just gets better each time!!

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