Brave Little Toaster to The Rescue

The only Toaster sequel worth watching
Like many other grown-ups who are kids at heart, I am a big fan of the Brave Little Toaster. For the completely uninitiated, it's a series about anthropomorphic appliances, and other mechanical things (are computers and streetlamps and giant evil magnets etc. really "appliances"?), who come to life a la the "Toy Story" toys when people aren't around. For good measure, traditional Disney-style anthropomorphic animals are included in a bit part in the original movie, and in "Rescue" the animals can talk and are in effect the "human" equals of the appliances.

For some bizarre reason known only to Disney and whoever else produced the Toaster movies, "To the Rescue" was released AFTER the other direct-to-video sequel, "The Brave Little Toaster Goes To Mars." So "Rescue" is often referred to as the third chapter in the series, or Toaster III, etc. But as should be pretty obvious to anyone who has watched all three movies and paid minimal attention to the plot, "Rescue" is clearly the...

A very worthy part 2 of the trilogy.
This movie is good on several counts. First, it may be the third installment in the Brave Little Toaster trilogy, but it's obviously intended to be inserted between the original and "Mars," to tie together the Master's departure for college and his marriage to Chris/fatherhood to Rob, Jr. in "Mars." That development seemed to come much too soon, leaving us to wonder just what occurred in between. This movie carries a wonderful message about animals and their rights, focusing rather heavily on a snake named Mergatroid, a devoted white mother cat named Maisie, a disaffected rat named Ratzo, an elderly ape named Sebastian, and a sweet Chihuahua named Alberto. The music in this movie is extremely good for a sequel. We're introduced to some new appliances as well; a modem, female computer, some printers, a security camera in the police Dobermans' pen. On the whole, the main characters retain their personalities true to form, but don't have quite enough funny or poignant lines to allow this...

That Loveable Little Toaster!
I recently purchased the Brave Little Toaster for my son who begged for the movie. He has watched the other "Toaster" movies and has loved them! After receiving the movie from, my son has watched this movie every day for about a week and has not stopped talking about it! He loves the animals and the song the animals sing about meeting Rob. I also have watched the movie and find in it many examples of how to be considerate and caring to humans, animals, as well as your appliances! It rocks!

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