Wild Water

Epic Movie!! Shows people why we really set out and kayak. Big insane water and also the peace and serenity that comes along with being on the water.
"Life exists for the mountains - The topography of climb and the gorges that present; The raging rivers narrowed to scale greater by the gorges that constrict them; Set there to conquer and teach you valuable lessons high on the slab and deep in the froth. The Plains are appropriately named." -Carson Tortorige

This is a simple documentary. Bunch of simpleton type folk, simple natural beauty, and simple points of view. They did a great job capturing what it is that can develop an entire sub culture of human.

Wild weirdos.
Yule creek was ok but its no hiawasse river. Clay we want our money back. I'm 1 year old and it ruined my life.

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