Tinto Brass All Ladies Do It [Blu-ray]

This DVD has been butchered
I have seen the Italian version. This version simply stinks: too many scenes have been removed. Who ever did this should be arrested. This is a great film; so why not leave it alone? And dubbing it in English takes away the very charm that Italian brings to it. The folks who did this obviously have no appreciation for art.

...Now, for the Italian version, it is worth learning Italian.

Eroticism at its best
The best soft-porn I have seen.Period. What sets this film apart from other films is the sheer eroticism of the situations, the almost reverential worship of buttocks and its ability to walk the tightrope between sensuality and vulgarity. If hard core turns you on (personally it turns me OFF) this is not the one for you. But if like me, the act of seduction and teasing gets you turned on rather than the act itself, boy have you found the right film.

All Ladies Do It
The unfortunate fact is that this DVD is the UK edited version of the original Italian "Cosi Fan Tutti." I have seen both versions and suggest that you get the unedited Italian DVD and a multi-system DVD player to see the movie as it was meant to be seen.

Since I first posted this reveiw, I've heard that the distributor plans to issue the unedited version of "Cosi Fan Tutti" in the future. If that proves to be true, I can wholeheartedly recommend buying that version.

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