Lord of Darkness

Interesting and suspenseful, but ultimately predictable.
I hoped this was a good gross-out slasher movie. It started out promising. It is even grounded in gaelic pseudo-folklore, so I was willing to give it a chance. I'm not sure how much of the folklore is true, though. The acting is convincing enough. The scenery and shots are beautiful, and often very moody -- appropriate. There are a few plot points that get set up, and not followed through.
A few gross-out scenes are great; others, don't work so well. Texas Chainsaw Massacre overloads a viewer with gross-out scenes, then throws one funny gag scene in for laughs. That works well. This movie can't decide the right mix in these scenes. The end of this movie is predictable. You decide if the lead up is worth the payoff at the end.

Tries hard to scare!
Serves the purpose of providing a few good thrills and scares, with lots of gross thrown in...B-grade script with better-than-B-grade filming.

Over The Top Slasher Fun
'Lord of Darkness' aka 'Sawney Flesh of Man' was entertaining and over the top to say the least.
There were aspects of it that were realistic and then you have the deformed inbred brothers and of course Mother who we don't get to see until she is released in the third act of the film.
They fall into the unrealistic category, but still fun for lovers of the genre.
The Scottish scenery was beautiful as was the camera work. Ok let's talk gore, it was really off the charts but very well done especially for a lower budget film, we are treated to severed heads,every organ in the body as well as entrails.Basically you name a body part and we see it.When Sawney cooks up someone or a combo platter of different people he calls blood gravy.Sick enough for you ?
The characters were fun and as a whole I found it to be a very enjoyable gore-tastic Slasher flick.
I recommend it to the die hard slasher fan for sure.I didn't even pay any attention to it on fios on demand...

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