Peter Gunn - Season Two

Peter Gunn!
This set has the second season of the fantastic Peter Gunn series. Part (but ONLY part) of the first season had previously been released in two sets here in the US years ago, but the show ran for THREE seasons so this new addition is awesome.

Production quality is fine. No extras of any kind, not even the little intros they used to have for commercial breaks.

This season is full of good episodes and you can't find them anywhere else. So go buy a PAL player that's "Region Free" and have at it. Such DVD players can be had for well under $100. Believe me, Peter Gunn and it's Mancini background music are worth it. With a PAL player you can also shop for the missing B&W Roger Moore "Saint" episodes that never aired in the US (

BTW, in the THIRD season of Peter Gunn Edie gets her own fancy restaurant and a new character (the maitre'd) is introduced. "Mother" is dropped. Perhaps that last season will be released someday. For now, having the...

As good as it gets. A great TV series with outstanding atmosphere. The first season can be had by purchasing sets 1 and 2. All we need now is for season 3 to become available.

I loved watching Peter Gunn with my father and brothers when it originally ran. It still holds up well.
And the DVD picture and sound quality is near excellent.

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